Do you really believe that any of the presidential candidates will do anything about illegal immigration?
I hear them all pandering for votes, and, they all seem to say whatever appeals to their audience. There is so much hypocrisy among them. If they were to be elected, would ANY of them truthfully do anything- and, if you think they would- who and what would they do?
I am so sick of having to choose between 2 idiots in every election. WHY must I always vote for whomever will mess up our country and destroy our Constitution the least? I don't think that this is how it is supposed to work. He who lies the best and has the most $ wins!
If you consider the argument that the illegals are being used for labor and votes then yes, someone will do something because at some point, those votes will be had and we all know that the work was done before they came. In truth, we don't need or want them any more now than we did before. The purpose they indirectly serve will come to an end and they will be gone. I don't believe that ANY of the candidates care about illegals in any manner, any more than they care about citizens. It's about $ and when that stops flowing as freely as it is now, there will be nothing that they care about except bringing in more $ and who can do that for them. Illegals are a monetary drain, a liability. The politicians have found a way to make it work for them so that only the citizens feel that drain and liability. Now that it isn't a bed of roses and cash, the government is beginning to step back and see that we will no longer fund their circus. Many states are taking the hardline now and the government is allowing it. Did you really think they wouldn't? They're faultless. It's all of us big, bad, racist citizens that are so mean and hard hearted. Oh yes, I do believe they will do something....through us, vicariously.
Candidates will say whatever they think will get the most votes, and whoever wins probably won't do anything about illegal immigration. They will just make it look like they are doing something to keep up the popularity and support. If you are sick of having to choose between 2 idiots, why not vote for an independent or minority party candidate?
Nothing will happen until they are in office for a while. But something has to be done eventually, regardless of who wins the election. Remember however, that the President alone cannot decide the issue.
Bush campaigned on a promise of immigration reform and asked that 245(I) be reinstated just a week before 9/11. He even made an appearance in the Congress to urge passage of the compromise bill this year, so I do not fault him for being unable to pull it off. The problem is the deep division over the issue. Check the website if you do not believe me.
Agreed. The chances of any of them doing anything significant is slim. The problem with any kind of high office is that you have to be like Gumby in order to get there. You bend in so many which ways in order to appease so many different groups. At the end of it, you don't stand for anything. How could you? They don't even know what they are saying half of the time. That's why opinion A on monday contradicts opinion B on tuesday. They forget what group they're speaking to or that they were only supposed to change positions on day 18 of the month instead of day 10. Then their advisors or the media remind them, and they say 'My comments were taken out of context' etc.
The problem is that human political systems are a reflection of basic human nature. Fake people get ahead. If you are good enough at lying with a straight face and making some speeches, you have a good shot at getting rich. Look at high school: the popular kids were fake. They didn't even really like each other most of the time, but they played along so they could be a part of that clique. If we can get the kids to stop admiring fakeness, maybe we can do so ourselves.