I was just wondering what you married people think of sex now vs. what you thought when you were teens. Do you think it's overrated? Did you expect it to be some big life-changing thing before you experienced it, but now it's more subtle?
I'm working on an article about teen views of sex, and am just wondering what you people think about this.
Favorite Answer
Well, I am now well on in married life.
First of all: let me say "Amen" to the very first answer you received. "Sex" is sacred; and was made by God for us to have a small part of our lives that we can experience His role: "a Creator". It is an opportunity for us to experience Godly power in our lives.
Accordingly, He has given us the greatest pleasure and joy, love and intimacy we can experience in life - all associated with this Godly experience. Works carried out by God are sacred: He unites with us in the creative work of birth to another human being. But that being deserves the very Best we can give him/her.
Sacred marriage is a pre-requisite for 'making love' - not just 'let's have sex'.
No teen should engage sex unless married.
... and Yes; sex is over-rated as 'an exercise' or mere 'experience of life'. It only becomes greater and greater and becomes the sheer beauty pleasure and joy it was meant to be as one learns to love and get closer and closer to their life/eternal partner. As the years and beauty between you progress, 'sex' begins to become no longer "over-rated"; in fact, it can eventually become under-rated, but that will take decades beyond teen years to achieve that!
God created it as a progressive experience - like virtually all of life's experiences. It continues to get better with growth, age and maturity, as long as love continues to grow.
I'm just a meanie, I wanted to say BLAH BLAH BLAH while reading the earlier posts. Why does sex have to be linked up with God? ANYWAY, I don't know how honest you want me to be, but here goes. When I was a 16 yr old girl I met a guy and knew the only way to keep him was to sleep with him. So I did. It was a tool for me, and I knew it. I used that "tool" on into my early 20's, and thankfully didn't suffer any STD's or unwanted pregnancy's. But now I've been married for 5 years, have 2 kids and sex is the best I've ever had. Because it's changed from being a tool to keep my guy into a way to de-stress, stay close, escape from daily life, & have fun. You name it. But it's NOTHING like the sex I had as a teen. Teen sex was going thru the motions, but it never satisfied, or made me happy. IT SUCKED. And I knew that it sucked. So I don't know if that helps, but those are my thoughts.
Sex is over rated as a physical experience, which means in turn that yes, sex is over rated to teenagers because most of them see it as a purely physical act. they defend if by saying "It's my body. I can give it to whoever I want". What they don't realize is that they're giving way more than just their body for a brief period of time.
Sex is a physical act, but the point isn't physical. It has spritual, emotional, and psychological effects that can't be measured or expressed in words. When i first had sex, it seemed like the most important thing in the world. Now I realize that it wasn't the sex that I wanted, but the feeling of closeness that is associated with sex. Unfortunately if that closeness is experienced with the wrong person, it can lead to a lot of heartbreak. that's why teens shouldn't have sex. Because they will inevitably seek out intimacy with the wrong person.
For teens, sex either equals love or it's a purely physical act that has no significance. The truth is that sex is way more than just physical, but it doesn't equal love. That's something that you can't understand when you're 16.
a few weeks ago i would have given a totally different answer, but any sex for a teen is wrong, any pre marrital sex is wrong period. I am turing my life around. I thought it was cool to have sex and try to have sex with as many girls as i could, the more the merrier. but i have found the error of my ways, and the love of my life. sex is a sacred ritual. it is not to be taken lightly. sex is supposed to be with the love of your life, your wife\husband. in this day and time it seems like it is commom to have sex first and then get married.but that is why we have so many divorces. we dont take the time to get to know our better halves and those of us who do think that sex is a reward and that is what you are suppose to do. lets start teaching the right thing to the younger generation and we can change the cycle of the present.
I am not married. I started to have sex at the age of 18 I am now 20. I only did it cause I knew my bf would leave me if I didn't give it up. We do have a very healthy sex life, but yes. Sex is totally overated.