Where do you donate your books?


Favorite Answer

If its a book that I don't plan to read again or just need to move off my book shelves, I shop it around to my friends and give it to who ever wants it. This strategy usually works because they also usually have something to share, and it gives us a chance to discuss good stories that we have come across.

Charities are also a good choice for fiction, as noted in some previous answers.

Some of my more expensive technical books I have donated to a local college or county library, whichever I think would benefit the most from that particular book, some of which would not have wide appeal to the general public but would be of great worth to those searching for that sort of particular information.


I like Persiphone's Books for Soldiers suggestion, as well as Katie's suggestion of the Salvation Army and Red Cross.

The last time I gave books away (which was before 2001), I gave them to a library in a retirement community that was hungry for books.

If I were to give books away today, I'd probably give to Books for Soldiers (1st choice) or the Salvation Army or to a rest home or community center that wishes to provide books for people.


Books that didn't want in the past I have donated to my local library system and to a nearby public school's library.


I would donate them to Salvation Army and the Red Cross. When these workers travel to desolate areas, such as the area Hurricane Katrina hit, they can bring books and other things for these children (and adults) who have lost all of their possessions.


The Book Thing, in Waverly, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. It's like a book store, except every book is absolutely FREE.

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