Who is more concervative overall, Huckabee or Romney?


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Conservative means "together we maintain (the way things are)" Huckabee has already identified far to many areas of change that he would institute if he were to become President. In fact a majority of things, in my opinion.

Can't change things a lot and still maintain the way things are.

Of course if you are illiterate and don't care what words mean then you can call Huckabee anything you like. It won't make it true, but, why would an illiterate care about something as inconsequential to them as truth.

Jacob W2008-01-02T20:12:59Z

Other than being anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage, Huckabee has exactly the same views as the Democrats. Look at his record. Romney is a better conservative choice. As far as providing affordable, State subsidized Health Care Insurance for the people of his state, I, a conservative, have no problem with State Governments who wish to do that. I have a problem with a FEDERAL government doing that.



Neither, in the traditional sense of the word. Huckabee is what they call a social conservative. Which means that he wants to insert Religion into politics and insert the government into people's personal life. This is not a conservative value. Romney has only become a social conservative since he entered the race for President. He flipflops so much it's hard to tell what he is.

Aaron M2008-01-02T20:12:51Z

Huckabee is more conservative of the 2, he has a plan to eliminate all Federal Tax and the IRS as a whole. Romney wants to create more Govt.


Definatly Huckabee. I think it's quite obvious

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