Was Jim Tressel not serious last year?

With all of the reports about both teams going into the game tonight, I am wondering why there are so many about how jim tressel is serious this year, I mean was he not serious last year? I think both teams are good and either team can win it (i'm a BR tiger fan). But It jsut seems silly to me, because i'm pretty sure he was serious last year, I know there is something to prove, but don't you have something to prove no matter how many times you go to a championship game, if you're there, you're there to prove you are the best, even if you've been 3 times in a row and won it all three times and your back for a fourth, or lost it last year, or are there for the first time in 4 years, you can say LSU has something to prove also, being the first 2 loss team, and winning an outright championship without a split decision, I know it's all fodder for the fire but, but they all have somehting to prove and I suspect tressel is not anymore serious than anyone else. I guess it's just media hype.


Good points most of you, i even like bagala's answer although i feel a little SEC animosity, but none the less he has his points, I'll say this for the last, because i am most tired of this comment, LSU has two losses and doesn't belong, I have not seen one comment that hawaii or kansas should be playing, all arguments that lsu has two losses are finished with the comment that OU, USC, Georgia, shuold be there, and they had how many losses, and this is the first time a BCS title has a 2 loss team, but there have been champions in college football for the last several decades before the BCS ws ever around, check it out, there are some two loss champs in there.


Favorite Answer

Well, you have to understand that this comes from a team whose conference president remarked that SEC players are socially and academically unacceptable to Big-10 standards after Florida whipped OSU's azz last year. Classless guy to say the least. So what else can you expect from such idiots.


The media just has too long between the end of the season and the title game, and have to spend it coming up with stories about special reasons why everyone will come out and play well (rather than the obvious: they've played well all season and this one is for the title).
The favorites are: revenge against some team, coach of one school used to be assistant/trainer/student at the other, player was recruited by both schools, the stadium is within 200 miles of someone's hick hometown and everyone is watching at the bar, playing for sick kids, grew up in a rough neighborhood and now will win it for the grandma that taught them how to be a good person, etc.


Of course Tressel was serious last year. But all nonsense aside, it changes your mindset alot when you are the number one ranked team the entire season, blow everybody out and play an opponent in the championship game that people say has no shot to beat you. As good a coach as Tressel is, he is still human.


His approach was different. They showed up ten days before the game, and players came and went as they pleased, in stark contrast to 2002. He definatly took the game serious, he just wasn't as much of a nazi. This really isn't going to matter one way or the other. The game is settled on the field, not in the hotel at 10 O'clock at night, unless the players are up the night before smoking crack, and decide not to show up for the game, like a starting corner for the bengals in the 88 superbowl.


first of all...GO BUCKEYES...second of all...i cant picture any coach taking any game lightly...tressel wanted that florida game as much as florida wanted it...i agree with you...both temas have something to proove...not just that..but if LSU does win...this will open the doors for future 2 loss teams to be in the BCS championship game...i done agree with it..i feel there are other teams more deserving than LSU...OSU is one team that is deserving..but i guess if i were a fan of another team..i would be complaining also...

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