Does Hillary Clinton Need A New Campaign Staff?

Things have kind of gone to hell for her lately. She is a very strong and popular candidate but is getting nailed hard in these primaries.

Is it time for a staff shakeup?


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All the campaign staff won't make her least not at this time. From all the hypes I've been reading, people fear that it's going to be another Clinton rerun, she's a woman (as one man kept my laundry i think that is what he said), and she appears cold and unemotional to most.


No America just needs to get a clue. It's lemmings who brought the Bush into office and it's the same kind of lemmings who will bring more Republicans into office.

Enough of this "Change" marketing tactic. So transparent. Everyone wants change. All the candidates want change. Not just Obama.
You know and I know that Obama will never win the election even if he wins the nomination. If lemmings vote for him for the nomination, say hello to Repubs in office, AGAIN.


Bill has already said that if she doesn't win New Hampshire he will make some "changes." I could really care less but this is what I heard on the news today. He figured it was to little of time to do anything when they lost in Iowa. honestly I feel they should save their money and drop out of the race because she won't win.

sad but cute2008-01-10T07:50:11Z

-i really dont think hillary is the best candidate. obama is because he actually makes sense.
-hillary voted yes for the iraq war, and will vote yes for the iran war
-she takes bribes (known as a fact)

still think she's good

for goodness sakes. just cuz shes a woman, doesnt mean she will be good.


It looks like she's winning New Hampshire so I guess she'll keep her staff for the time being.

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