How secure is wi-fi?

we are going to spend 4 mo traveling the USA. I want to do banking and stock trading on my laptop..Is it safe to do so, or should I look for the nearest library with cable or DSL to do these transactions?

jordan n2008-01-23T15:13:02Z

Favorite Answer

A wi-fi connection is as safe as the password used, obviously you want to be using a trusted and encrpted connection that is from like a local bar or something and make sure you have a firewall up and running and also some anti-virus software, you should be fine if all criteria is met. but if you do end up using a public computer then make sure you dont save any password or files. hope this helps.


A very good question which should be asked more often now
The short answer is get an account with Boingo
You are going to be assured of a high level of security with a specified Linksys router with vpn ( virtual private network) and a standardized higher level of security than most
Even if you are on a standard land line in a hotel or cafe there is no guarantee
One tech writer attached her laptop to hotel networks and was amazed at the overall slopiness - she was able to read clear text on both the wi fi and land lines of the computers on the hotel network
For a non secure network - open wi fi - not a good idea
For even hotel or cafe wifi or land lines - not a great idea if you are doing stock trading and banking
If you have a portfolio and can travel you should have some cash for this - hopefully with the market tumbling