Okaaaaay. I've gone to concerts alone a lot, not knowing anyone there, and It's never really been that huge of an issue. Monday I'm going to a concert, and when I get there I'm probably gonna meet up with some friends that will be there. It's weird, like, I'm never normally worried about stuff like this, but I'm worried about how awkward It'll be when I get there, what people will think, ect. It's also really weird cause I've done this before okay. Please helppppp.
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do as muc as you can not to worry about it.. wear clothes that are just YOU not to impress ppl.. in otherwords just be urself theres nothing to worry about. if they were real friends they wouldnt care, they would tell you the same thing
what's so weird with going to a concert and meeting your friends there?? not sure what the issue is here. just tell them u got a ride from a friend who didn't get tickets with you or something.
are you talking about going to concert alone and not meeting anyone there is weird?? well that is kinda weird but i don't think u have an issue with that.
It's only a problem in your head. Why in the world can't someone do something by himself or herself? I like the time I spend alone. While I enjoy doing things with friends and I like doing things with my wife, when I go to watch music I often go alone because I just want to listen to the music and not have to worry about being "social" or wondering if I should share my bud with my buds ... ha,ha,ha ...
Well think about it, as soon as you see somebody enter the club do you think things about them? Probably not. So why would they think things about you? I understand the awkward feeling, but you'll get over it once you break the ice. Anyway? What you going to see? Hope you have a good time! :)
Umm. Maybe you should look at what has changed in your life to make you feel this way. You said that you've done it before and had no problem with it. Delve deeper and see what the real root of this problem is.