If Verizon and AT&T sold out their customers to the government, then why do people still subscribe to them?

It has been confirmed that Verizon and AT&T sold their customer's phone records to the government in order to aid the Patriot Act while Sprint and T-Mobile refused to cooperate because they honor their customer's privacy. Yet, Verizon and AT&T are still the nation's number one and three carriers. Why do new customers still subscribe to AT&T and Verizon when they violate customer privacy.


that's fine and dandy if you don't communicate with terrorists but how about value your right to privacy?


Favorite Answer

Because I am stuck in a contract I signed with Cingular (before AT&T bought them out).

Believe me, as soon as it is up, they are losing my business.


Well we are just learning. It's good you posted this, because it helps to raise awareness. As people's contracts expire, they will look to others who had the integrity and courage to say **** off. Also, they will be talking about this to their friends, family, etc. The cowardly corporations you mention will suffer for it.

The poster who stated that "if you don't talk to terrorists you have nothing to worry about" knows absolutely nothing of history, of the predictable (in any time or society) behavior of government and law enforcement, of current affairs.

He is precisely wrong.


No one I know communicates with terrorists so we have nothing to worry about- if they want to look at the text message I sent to a female friend asking if I was getting a BJ for my birthday then more power to them

The US government (and many others) has been intercepting phone communications regularly since WWII and that is a FACT


I agree with vtjames7. i don't communicate with terrorist so I done have anything to worry about. As far as history goes, we are to smart and much more informed or capable of finding things out in todays world to let government get abusive as in the past. If your not doing anything what are you worried about. That is just like the people who oppose drug test stating right to privacy......they have something to hide!


Maybe everyone doesn't see it the way you do.