Which is correct... "I wish I was she" or "I wish I was her"?

Grammar stumps me !!


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it should be "i wish i WERE her" but for the purpose of this qu. its "i wish i was her".


"I wish I was her", would be correct. A way to determine that is to double check with stating it a different way, as in, "I wish I was like her" or "I wish I could be like her. You wouldn't say," I wish I could be like she", right? So then you know you've chosen the right form of the word.


"I wish I was her" is perfectly correct. The hypercorrect form would be "I wish I were she." I myself would mostly say "I wish I were her." At times, when I want to be hyperformal, I will say "I wish I were she."

There is an old joke about a certain Candida Fidditch, a hypercorrect teacher who always told her children to say "It is I."

One day she went to the principal's office and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" the principal asked. Without thinking, she quickly replied, "It's me, Miss Fidditch."

Once Miss Fidditch even said to her class, "A preposition is a word you must never end a sentence with."

Harleigh Kyson Jr.


I wish I was her


I wish I was her

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