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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceWords & Wordplay · 2 weeks ago

Is this sentence correct?

Students can't go to school by bike because there aren't many places to keep their bikes in school.

10 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    'at school' would be better. 'In school' implies that the students keeps their bikes inside the school buildings.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    Students are advised not to ride their bikes to school because of a shortage of space.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Yes. Correct in American English. But a bit slang.

    "...there aren't enough places to ....". Not many. This is better.

  • Vivian
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    "Students can't go to school by bike because there aren't many places to keep their bikes in school." should have the word "many" replaced with "enough" and "in school" with "there": "Students can't go to school by bike because there aren't enough places to keep their bikes there."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    There are always other ways to express an idea, but your sentence as it stands is perfectly correct.

    Whether it's TRUE or not is a totally separate issue.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Generally correct as a informal way but formal way is different. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    It's correct but not precise. After all, students can go to school by bike, even if there are not many places to keep their bikes. Instead, they choose not to go to school by bike. (The word "keep" is okay, but "store" is a little more precise.) 

    More precise would be, A lot of students do not go to school by bike because there aren't many places to store their bikes at school. 

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    ...there aren't any bicycle racks to park their bikes. or

    ...there aren't any bicycle racks.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Yes, but it would be even better if it started with 'Most'

  • 2 weeks ago

    Your sentence is not, grammatically speaking, 'incorrect', but it would be better if you wrote '...there aren't any places to keep their bikes...' rather than '...many places'.

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