Why Did MoveOn.org Become An Obama Front?

As a member of MoveOn for about 10 years, I was horrified to find them suddenly involving themselves in the primaries. As a Hillary supporter, I am disappointed to find they no longer represent all of us on the left, and quit MoveOn.

I am wondering why MoveOn suddenly decided to represent only half of us now, after all these years???


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That is total BS

Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated

551 - 479 BC





I think the endorsements are an insult. It's basically saying that the American public is too stupid to know who they should vote for so the endorser will tell them who they will vote for and because they are an organization or well known individual, everyone who likes them or believes in similar things that they believe in will follow them and vote for their candidate. Look I think Moveon has done some wonderful things in the past, but for the past 4 to 5 years they have been seen as very far left. That is not necessarily a good thing for Obama, especially with Sen. Kennedy's endorsement as well. This is going to alienate any moderates or independents from him.

GO HILLARY2008-02-01T18:46:01Z

It was sick the way they did it. I took the Clinton/Obama vote suspect of their intentions. This morning Senator Obama was on the web site looking for 1.7 million members to vote for him. It was a total set up for Senator Obama, he was wrong to not call them on it. I moved-on today, I hope all of Senator Clinton's supporters come out in droves and move-on also.


seems like a lot of folks are jumping on a bandwagon. i look forward to all of them having a really huge dose of egg on the face when hillary wins.

i think it would be so much better for the whole democratic party if all endorsements were held until after the nominee is decided. as it is now, the party looks like its usual confused and divided self, and that always hurts us in general elections. i have to give credit to the republicans - whose policies i really hate - for their ability to unify themselves. i think it is particularly important for actual public officials - they should stay out of it until the nominee is named. you don't backstab your own party members (whichever one of the candidates you're for) - it just helps the republicans.


Here's the real question... Why is that news? They are about as relevant as an onion in this election

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