Any more arguments against health care for all Americans, by the 'Dyed in the wool Republicans'?

Any more arguments against health care for all Americans, by the 'Dyed in the wool Republicans' with union jobs who have adequate health care plans and don't want "to pay for someone elses health care; they should go get a job," even though they (who should get a job) have a job, but no health care coverage?


Health care is listed four (4) times in this question. Maybe not the the issue that you want, but this is the issue here.


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There aren't any good arguments. Unless we had repukes running the health care, now that would f*ck it up.

Countries with universal healthcare have a better quality of life, higher expected age, and better fairness of healthcare.

The US doesn't "care" about people's health...they use it to make money like sick bastards.

All the repukes who answered this question need to pull their head out of their ***.


I would like to know why everyone should have free health care... and not free food... or free housing. That has more direct impact on people's lives than health care. Just where do you draw the line?

But you know, I would love it if everyone could have free health care, and for that matter the other things I mentioned. But I have YET to hear of any way the country can survive it. That little point keeps getting ignored.


Well, i'm a liberal, got my badge in the car. Now, that being said, I also depend on the healthcare system for my living. I spent 8+ years getting degrees, borrowed 150,000 dollars, and worked my tail off to get where I am. I know what will happen if the government takes over, and makes the system a single payer system. It will apply negative pressure to the wages of my profession to keep costs down. That means I have less money to pay back some pretty staggering student loans that are upwards of 1200/month. How can I be expected to pay back my debt to society if the government comes in an drives down my wages so that the poor without coverage can have coverage? In other words, is it in MY best interest to vote for someone I know will drive down my earnings? Increase my taxes to pay for it? I would like to know when this country became all about urinating on the middle class? It seems those that are born with money...fine, those who can't do for themselves....check. Those that are in the middle, just trying to keep their head above water are the ones that get dumped on. I make good money, but i'm still middle class, and it took a lot of financial risk, hard work, and time to make the money I do. I pay for my insurance, I pay a lot of taxes to the government to help the poor, is it my fault they don't spend it correctly? I'm not asking for a tax cut, and I'm not saying that we should do nothing with healthcare, we must, but i'm just not sure forcing people into socialized medicine is the answer. At any rate, I refuse to vote against my best interest at this point of my life, I have two little kids, a mortgage, and massive student loans that come way before the plight of the poor in this nation. I know that sounds strange coming from democrat, but I get a little tired of hearing the democrats trying to fix the problems of the poor (who don't work), and republicans catering to the wealthiest 1% of americans (who don't work), while people like me that do what we are supposed to do with our lives are consitently neglected when it comes to government policy. It high time we started to take care of the people that are taking care of everything....the middle class needs help, as they go, so does america. So, I won't be voting for Hillary Clinton.


Last time I checked, the unions were endorsing Democrats, and as for arguments against universal health-care, well just look at Canada. You have higher taxes to pay for it and a lower quality of care.


Good let the Government take over health care, I sure they will do a great job, they did so well with FEMA and the welfare system. Matter of fact you can volunteer to have your taxes raised to pay for this multi billion dollar mistake.

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