What is the minimum ignorance requirement for fundamentalist Christians?
Mike Huckabee made a speech at a gathering of fundamentalist christians today. He made several biblical references. The BBC captured these and conducted an exit poll of the attendees. The ignorance about the bible was staggering!
He said, "... a small smooth stone can overcome a whole lot of armor..." the most intelligent pollster thought maybe he was referring to something about the war.
He said, "... a widow's mite can be very significant ..." Pollster ... isn't a mite a bug??
I don't know why I found this so shocking considering the percentage of Christians who don't know what the First Council of Nicea was or what it has to do with the Bible.
" ... Widow's mite ..." a mite was a reference to the smallest denomination of currency at the time of the parable. That was all the widow had to donate, everything she had, one mite. Has nothing to do with "might".
"... First Council of Nicea ..." 318 Bishops called together by Roman Emperor constantine for the purpose of canonizing the gospels that would eventually become the Bible as well as to determine some key facets of religious dogma.
Yes, I think I see who is ignorant.
Since you brought it up in this thread Jenny
I'd say you are one of the ignorant ones when it comes to Hitler.