GIMP color question?

I'm not an artist, but recently I have been feeling artistic and I began playing around with GIMP. I have a quick question.

Is is possible to swap out all colors of one pallet with another (such as changing all the various shades of red in an image to their corresponding shades of green, for example) without having to painstakingly change the colors pixel by pixel using the pencil tool?

Thanks for your help.


GIMP is a free image manipulation program. Someone described it to me as "Photoshop, but free."

I don't know how accurate that description is, but I think it works great.


Favorite Answer

What is a GIMP? I know if you had photoshop or illustration you could, but not sure what your working with sorry....
Please answer my question!;_ylt=AsjI6f0.nLtQCLpP4rVqN93sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080209114042AAMIVed

If its like photoshop there should be something like a gradient map under adjusments that will allow you to change the color you have in a perticular area if you have a layer for it. Or there should be a hue sateration tool under adjustments also that would work probably the best if your just looking to change the color.... I'm not sure how this would help you or if GIMP has the same things as photoshop, but good luck!