Is Yahoo Answers editing answers against obama?

Everytime I go to edit my answer and list this website as my source:

this error page pops up and I can't edit my question:
Sorry, Unable to process request at this time -- error 999.

However, if I edit my question without that website, it is allowed.
Also, does error "999" have anything to do with it being the upsidedown number "666" and does this relate information people are saying that obama is the antichrist?

I emailed yahoo about this and they just sent me the standard, "sorry you're having trouble" email.

This is a serious question so, no bashing please.


Favorite Answer

yes..they have been practicing this the whole election process...some many of obama supporters don't want fair play on here..they keep reporting ti..the question I posed about Michelle obama making her "racist " remark..proving she was/is a racist...they removed it every time I posted it,....but they let the crap about Hillary and Chelsea just stay on here..America is no longer free...and will be even less free if this controlling person should win the Presidency!

Me, Too2008-02-17T14:56:40Z

I haven't noticed any deletions, but perhaps I haven't been paying attention. I do know that Yahoo Answers has started a new program on deletions, trying to make them less politically-motivated and more fair. About time, too.

Your Error 999 -666 Antichrist theory is bordering on being too dramatic. Sometimes imaginations run away with people and they can't tell reality from something they have heard. Obama is definitely not the Antichrist. He's a politician running for President with a talent for oratory and a liberal program that he is trying to explain to people. I admire him.

The website you list is a Republican website that is filled with untruths, exaggerations and hypocrisy in a political attempt to make you vote for someone besides Obama. For instance, Obama was not a Muslim for 27 years. He was raised by his Christian grandparents in Hawaii and only spent the first 9 years of his life in Indonesia. He is a Christian.

Mary C2008-02-17T14:56:18Z

I see why they removed it.{its stupid} I see why they put it back, because they know that intelligent people don't buy that nonsense. If you don't like the guy that's one thing but promoting someone Else's agenda is so uncool. you deserve bashing , you bash Obama but you want MERCY. You should be ashamed. If you watched informative shows you would know that all that stuff has been investigated and determined that its all fake. What if someone put your face on a web page and made up a lot of untrue stuff about you would you care?


At least they let you keep your answer. If you write anything pro-Clinton or pro-McCain they DELETE it completely.


Yes they are, many of my answers about Obama have been.

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