I am doing a survey about customer service at Wal-Mart...?

We are noticing an annoying problem with 23 available manned checkout cash registers and 4 self-checkout stands but only 6 registers and 1 self-check open at noon on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays week after week. The average amount of customers per line is 6, the average wait time is about 12 minutes per customer.
Is there anyone else out there who is experiencing this sort of long wait times at a few checkout stands at your local Wal-Mart as well?


P.S. if yes please add your town and state.
I am in Merced, California. And I am thinking of showing this and my collected in-store data to someone at Target, the biggest competition for Wal-Mart in my town...


Favorite Answer

yeah, but hey.
life is good, why are you worrying about this?
there's definitely bigger issues in the world than the average wait in the Wal-Mart line.

coolcat 082008-02-18T07:48:28Z

That's what attracted me to your question. I was going to complain about just that. Wal Mart never has enough cashiers. There are at least 20 lanes in our store and only 2 or 3 of them are open and everyone is always standing in line. I don't shop there for that reason alone. The last time I was there I stood in line for 20 minutes and I just had one item. I think the store is white trash, a lot of the parents that shop at ours don't watch their kids, there are long wait lines, and the service clerks are usually rude and uneducated. I usually have a hard time just walking through the store because there is so much s#@% all over the place because they don't have stuff stocked. I am anti-Wal Mart.


okay. I work at Walmart at the Customer service desk, and walmart gets thousands and thousands of people through the doors everyday and when you only have limited cashiers that have to get their breaks thats when the lines come especially on the weekend. If you want to go to walmart go on Wed. All walmarts are different, and if you don't like to wait then I advise you get a job there and be a cashier or go somewhere else, trust me wal-mart wont be hurt without your money.


yes we have them same problem in north florida and their are always atleast 5 csm's just hanging around up front by the registers i live in a small town and walmart is pretty much the only main choice we have if we had a target or even a k-mart i can assure you alot of people would quit going to walmart. walmart sucks . have you seen their new commercial we now do more at night so we have more people to help you in the day bull crap

99% Tater says: TAX THE RICH!2008-02-18T07:51:59Z

Oh yeah, customer service is almost nonexistent at the local Walmarts in my area. I wanted to buy a television at Walmart a few months ago, but i couldn't get anybody to wait on me, and I got so frustrated that I ended up walking out, and they lost a 150 dollar sale!

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