Here's one for you; Why can't Sen.Clinton and Sen. Obama just get together as a team?

Both will make history and if they do it right for the next 16yrs they can have this country running the way it's supposed to.
Or is that to much like good sense?


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That may happen, but it is unlikely. First of all, it is the primaries, and they both want to be president. Why should either step aside for the other first?
Second, when one wins, they may actually invite the other as their running mate. This makes great sense if Hillary wins, as Obama is an ideal running mate- someone who has great drawing power, agrees with her on the vast majority of issues, campaigns well against republicans, and can win in states where she needs to win. Obama on the other hand, is not likely to invite her on his ticket. She unites republicans against her, whom he may win over with a more moderate running mate, and she lacks foreign policy/ military experience- his biggest drawback.
Don't expect 16 years of the two either. A party rarely has consecutive 2 term presidents. If Hillary doesn't win now, it may be her last shot. She is 60 years old, and will be 68 before she can run again if a democrat wins the presidency. That is not unreasonable, but it makes her less likely as a candidate (for reasons I don't pretend to understand). This would make her 76 when she finished a potential second term, and people criticise McCain for being too old at 71.


Because Obama is against the corrupted politics of the past. Hillary is all about it, she's taken more money from Health Insurance companies than any other candidate.


Yeah that is too much good sense.

Hillary has got to be infuriated at Obama right now. She had this whole Democratic nomination wrapped up until he came along.

If they could work out a deal somehow, it would be a dream come true.


There are plenty of reasons. First of all it would be very difficult for Obama to take her as running mate as he'll be seen as hypocritical, after all he's painting her as the same old,same old.Also there is the matter of her EGO,would she be willing to play second fiddle? As for Hillary/Obama ticket that would also be impossible as she would not want a VP to outshine her,Moreover it would be political suicide for obama to be VP to her. So he would politely decline the offer


Probably it is the wish of every one. But the way the things are happening there is very slim prospect for it to happen.

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