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How is making people prove who they are by an id any citizen can get voter supression?

24 Answers

  • 7 hours ago

    It isn't.  Welcome to the revolution.

  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    This has become a lie by the left to allow them to allow illegal's to vote.  Any one who is not a US citizen and of legal age or a felon with the right to vote revoked because of his/her behavior is an illegal voter.  Any US citizen with the proper paper work, And there are many that are accepted, can get a ID from any state and be allowed to vote. Most states will even help you get the ID if you can't read or speak English. If you have the proper documents to prove you are a citizen.  Every illegal vote cast during any election takes the right of an American citizen away.  No matter who they vote for.  Every state has voting laws established by their elected official in their state which dictates how voting is done, both when and how.  The Federal government has no say on how states run their elections, and it is the Duty of the Supreme Court to up-hold the constitution which gives them that authority.  Simple civics.  Oh I forgot they don't teach that in schools anymore.  So unless you take the time to download the constitution and state voting laws and read them you will not know this.  You can find this information with very little trouble searching the internet.  Don't believe what you hear on TV or the radio, look it up yourself.  Do you really need someone else telling you what is true when you can get the facts unedited or skewed by political motives?

    Source(s): US Constitution, Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee, and IL state laws.
  • Anonymous
    20 hours ago

    Selectively reducing resources to make a targeted group wait in much longer lines is voter suppression.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Only the GOP membership card will count, you can be sure.

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  • 2 days ago

    Becaseu It's NOT !  The DEMs just  need more Criminals to Vote for them so they can Stay in Power ! They use their #1 Lie to justify it !

    "RACISM" ....

    But it's the DEMs that are TRULY RACIST !  (watch this )

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    It creates another hoop for people to jump through, and one that can keep them from voting by increasing friction.  The results aren't necessarily trivial either.  The current Governor of Georgia won his election by a margin of votes lower than the number of people who were kept from voting by that states law. 

    Furthermore, your question assumes that getting an ID which satisfies the law is easy.  That's not always the case, particularly when lawmakers looking to disfranchise people try and make it harder.  For example, in Alabama they were going to close all of the DMV offices in nine of the ten counties with the highest black population in the state.  In Georgia the name on your ID must match exactly the name on your voter registration.  So if your ID says "John Smith" and your registration says "Jack Smith" you can't vote.  This may be particularly significant for people with non-Anglophone names, whose names might be mistranscribed by workers at a DMV or the elections office.  In South Dakota, the voter ID law required that your ID have a street address on it.  Why?  Because many Native Americans in the state, who tend to vote overwhelmingly Democratic, live in rural parts of reservations where they don't have home mail delivery, and thus don't have street addresses. 

    The reality is that in literally every single case, these voter ID laws are motivated by voter suppression.  Republicans don't like that they're losing elections and since they're not willing to change in order to attract more votes, they need to try and "rig" the elections in their favor by making sure that the electorate favors them more. Voter ID is one tool to try and do that.  Sometimes, they've admitted it.  A Republican leader in Pennsylvania admitted that the entire purpose of the voter ID law was to allow Republicans to win the state. 

  • Jeff D
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    It's not, obviously.  Most civilized countries require some sort of ID to vote.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    This is yet another political football that, much like immigration, no politician really wants to resolve because it makes for good fundraising and attack ads. Virtually every other nation on Earth had resolved this by providing every citizen with a free form of identification. In the US every eligible voter could receive an ID in the mail for mere pennies of tax layout as compared to the taxpayer money that's been spent on both sides to perpetuate this as a campaign issue. 

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    Take this to Politics.

    While you're at it, ask yourself, "Why is it that the folks that are so in favor of voter ID laws are usually against gun registration?"

  • It isn't. Democrats just want to cheat again.

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