are super delegates really needed?

I don't see the need for super delegates. The people vote their choice. We do not need a group of delegates to override or justify our choice in any way. Its past time to eliminate the super delegate and electoral system. There should be a loud public outcry against these systems. I know who I want to vote for as I'm sure everyone else does.


*batmann* all of the candidates are inexperienced none of them have ever been president. There are no such thing as uninformed voters in this day an era. Everyone has access to radio, tv & newspapers. WE do not need anyone else to make our decision or choice of a candidate.


Favorite Answer

I dont like superdelegates. Their vote should be counted in the same respect as everyone else's.


Super delegates are their to break a deadlock a three way race with no candidate winning the majority. I don't think anyone thought of the present situation when the came up with the system. Would it be better if John Edwards had stayed in the race and won control of enough delegates to decide who would get the nomination which might have happened if there were no super delegates. Most of the super delegates have devoted their lives to the party and it principles, and there is no reason to think they will make a bad decision.


Very important. They could be the saving grace from ceding America into the hands of an inexperienced and incompetent hypocrite who won just because of irresponsible and unthinking voters.

charlie s2008-02-20T04:06:45Z

they are just a way they can scam millions out of there campains