just need a bit of advice...?

well i recently found out that i am pregnant for my ex...he's really excited and happy, he's already makin plans...i on the other hand, am feelin not so excited, cus i'm jus 18 (he's a bit older)an nearly about to finish school...i feel this baby will rob me of my partying time, my education. My family(grandma, aunts) doesnt like him and will critisize me to point where i may want to breakdown if they knew. i dont know how to tell my mom...farless for my dad who lives away...Sometimes i want to abort it although i know the consequences sometimes i dont and besides i still havent forgiven my ex 4 the nasty break up we had an the things he said....Jus need a bit of advice...what would u have done if u were in my shoes??? or any little thing you feel may help me out thankz


Favorite Answer

Tell your family. I'm sure they will help you. You can't do this all by yourself. If you don't want to keep the baby, give it up for adoption.


forget him. talk to your mom and your parents because when it comes down to it they are what you have. ask them for advice and help, but the decision of weather to abort or to keep is up to you and only you. DON'T make this decision on the fly, think about it as much as you can, the pros the cons etc. I don't envy your situation but I know exactly how you feel because I went through almost the same situation in November. But honestly I don't think anyone on yahoo answers can give you what you need to make a decision that will make you feel at peace. Just turn to your family and youself. Best of luck.