PC Question. Is RegCure legit? It's offered by PCPerformanceTools.com?
I've had a screen constantly coming on that appears to be a legit windows alert, but by following the links to a free scan that says you have various problems, then you are led to a screen that asks for $39.00 to register and fix the problems. I have Norton and Adware, but these warnings keep popping up. The screen either says windows has found a serious error & has to shut down, or that you have serious problems and need to scan and find them.
Favorite Answer
That is Smitfraud go to bleepingcomputer forums, NEVER click on the popups again for the error thing if it does a coutndown go to startup and run than type shutdown -a it will stop it then go to bleepingcomputer forums, sign up, tell them your problem they are EXPERTS and say what security you have, thanks :)
RegCure is not legit; it is a rogue product that finds problems and then asks you to pay to fix them; Rogue Remover may be able to detect it and get rid of it free here http://www.snapfiles.com/get/rogueremover.html
CCleaner can scan your registry for problems - it's free and safe http://www.ccleaner.com/