So, as a society, how do we turn this around?

I think it's a universally known fact that children are facing/making dangerous choices these days, and that society at large is not in a healthy state. How do we turn this around, get the economy healthy enough so that children don't have to be left or raised by strangers, save marriages, put a lid on the violence that everyone is exposed to? LOL....questions that obviously cannot be answered effectively in a silly yahoo forum, I know. But isn't everyone eager to find a solution???


Favorite Answer

information is knowledge when kids learn how their decisions affect their lives there is a chance that they will not make that decision. that changes the future because these kids are going to be leaders one day.


Not another "but what about the children?" plea!

Extend your focus upward and outward so that you are truly addressing issues. Babies need blankets and milk. That's easy. But what then do teenagers need, then the community, then the state etc etc. If your focus is on the family, it too has other pressing concerns than infant care.

And by the way, I love babies. Who doesn't.


Challenge liberal thinking at every opportunity.
The Ideas are great!
The reality is very bad!

Nick W2008-02-23T08:19:58Z

We need to find God..............and tell him to sort his mess out or move over and give the job to someone who can do it properly!