Oddest Thing You Ever Did While Laughing?

Peed yourself?

Originals welcome. The one that makes me laugh the hardest gets the best answer. =D


Favorite Answer

Well, once I shot cheez-its out of my nose. I had orange chunks in the tissues and suff. Ahh, gag so nasty.

~Kelsey the Great


one time my friend burped really loud, and i started cracking up. i fell off the chair i was sitting on face forward and into a sort of fetal position type thing and started laughing even harder and it looked like i was mentally insane. then the same friend who burped starts laughing at me, and she snorted about 20 times while she was laughing.


Snorted out a city of elves. Okay, well maybe that wasn't me...;D

linda m2008-02-24T04:31:58Z

Mashed potatoes out the nose. Yeah, painful.....


Snorted and had soda shoot through my nose.

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