Experiences with Terbutaline?
I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks, 2 weeks ago. I was dilated to 2 and 75% effaced. I was first put on Nifedipine, but I broke out in a nasty rash after a week, so I was told to stop taking it. Within 24 hours I was having painless contractions, but they were frequent, so I went yesterday to the doctor and am now dilated to 3. I've been put on Tributaline, 1 pill every 4 hours. The only side effect to me so far is that I'm really jittery, which I was told by my doctor could happen. I have to stay on it until this Saturday, when I reach 36 weeks gestation. I've read about this drug, and know it's really for asthma, and there is some controversary over it. I was just wondering what your experiences are/were with it. How far along did you reach? How long after stopping it did you go into labor? How was your baby, and side effects? Thank you.