Can Anyone at Yahoo Answers PLEASE consider separating the Rock & Pop categories; each with a unique place?

I know people may criticize this question, citing there is no real good way to differentiate between Rock & Pop, but I believe the need is there and that the results would speak for itself. Does anyone else concur? Thanks.


I am not criticizing Pop, nor am I asking anyone to be specifically correct as in ascertaining which "Genre" their question or comment falls under. I'm merely asking that they be separated and that people be given a choice. There is no right or wrong answer; just an opinion.


Enema and Mustang, then why does Country have its own separate category when there are certainly "Pop" artists who are hard to differentiate within that Genre? We're not talking "Metaphysically"; just wondering how "Rock" got lumped in with the "Pop" category to begin with. Seems to me it could have just as easily been "Rock & Blues". Perhaps you care to explain why is "Rock & Pop" necessarily far too wide a "Grey Area" as opposed to "Country" or "Classical"; each with its own category? There are certainly diverse extremes there, also. Thanks.


Enema Bandit,
Your "Record Shop in the 60's Thru 80's" analogy proves my point. Just go into any large "Record Shop" today and you'll see that there are literally HUNDREDS of categories of music. Long gone are the days where "Rock & Pop" were your only choices. Furthermore, just go to Ebay and look at all the sub-categories. But I'm not talking about making all those on this forum. I'm simply asking why "Rock" still gets lumped in with "Pop" in this day and age. I respect your knowledge of Elton John, but come on, you haven't answered my question which is why does "Country" get its own category and not "Rock"? Simple question...Really, no need to question my musical knowledge! However, I'd be up for a quiz any day! Thanks.


Thanks, Mustang. I just wondered. Again, I'm not dissing "Pop" at all, but if they can spare the space for "Blues" by itself and for "Jazz" by itself, then why would it be such a stretch? Heck, they used to think the earth was flat, and we all know that 8-tracks were never surpassed in delivering optimum music quality, he said knowingly... : )


No, you really haven't answered my question, but that's ok. We agree to disagree. To not allow me to expand on the question in response and yet claim that I am asking several questions at the same time, or changing subjects does not wash. Anyway, my Elton John comment was a cheap shot and I was just having fun at your expense. Don't get me wrong, I respect him as much as anyone...


Bandit, You given us your version of "The History of How Pop and Rock Shall not be Separated" but you still have failed to answer my steadfast question which, regardless as you see it, has remained the same during this discussion; "Would Y/A consider separating the two?" Simple. The only amendments I have made to the question were to show justifiable cause in asking, as I see they have segregated other categories, i.e. Country, Jazz, Blues, etc. You still seem not get beyond the fact that they saw fit to separate those "Genres" and not Rock. I can sense that just because my nom-de-pleur contains the word "Rock" you have envisioned me as some "Metal Monster" who listens to nothing but Audio Molten Lava. It's just a silly nickname, much like I'm sure yours is. Your prolixity has done little to change my opinion. However, to quote Frank Zappa: (Whom I suppose you're familiar with, judging by your name) "Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible." Rock on...

Smiley's Ghost2008-02-27T10:10:37Z

Favorite Answer

It would only confuse things. Where do you draw the line, or differentiate between the two? The Beatles are pop, as well as rock...Elton John, Carly Simon, Simon & Garfunkel...and a horde of others fall into both categories as well.

Go check out the jazz/blues section some time. People are constantly posting Stevie Ray Vaughn, Savoy Brown, and Johnny Winter questions over there, when clearly those three artists are neither blues nor jazz, but more of a hybrid of a few genres.

I'd say leave things the way they are. You're the one in control here...if you see a pop question, or something that doesn't interest you...then ignore it! Very simple.
I really don't see what the big deal is.

There is far too big a grey area to divide rock and pop successfully. People who agree with you really haven't thought things through very offense.
Pop means popular...rock is popular, so in many ways they are one in the same in my opinion, and should share the same section. Why make things in Y!A more confusing than they already are?
Do you really think Yahoo is going to create two lists worth of thousands of bands, each list indicating what they deem as pop and rock?? If by some crazy left field chance that this were you honestly think that the thousands of people within this community are going to agree with that said list? How would this supposed 'New R&P Law' be policed?
I think that the good people of this section need to realize that there is more to pop than just The Jonas Bros, Shakira and Brittney Spears. Pop has been around as long as rock, and the two have shared/intertwined history's going back well over 50 years, encompassing thousands of bands/artists.
This is 'The Rock & Pop Section'...not 'The Rock & Pop Section of the Last Five Years'. Looking at some of these answers, I get the impression that some don't realize this.

There is far more involved with this silly idea than most can comprehend, and this topic has already been done to death in R&P some time wont happen, because it shouldn't happen.

Edit -
Ale, if you're tired of Jonas Bros questions...then scroll to the next one, or until you find something of interest. It's all about choice...Some people like Metallica, some people like The Rolling Stones. If a Metallica fan comes across a Stones question, and he happens to dislike the Stones...what does he do? More than likely he'll skip it, and find something that interests him...LOL

Edit -

Bryan Rock...there are so many cross over country rock bands, just as there are cross over pop/rock bands, jazz/rock fusion, blues rock etc. I'm sure the old time country music purists complain when they see something they wouldn't regard as country being posted in their section as well. But Shania Twain is still considered country, even though some of the Hank Williams and Ernest Tubbs fans might disagree. do you think this can be achieved successfully? I'm not sure of the extent of your musical knowledge...but you do realize that many artists are both pop and rock don't you? I worked in the music industry for many years, and practically every record store in the 60s 70s, 80s had sections labeled POP/ROCK. The fact that things may have changed slightly over the last 15 years or so with the definition of pop, does not change the fact that all of those bands that fell into those categories back still relevant today, and those bands/artists are discussed within this forum on a regular basis.
Like I said above...why put up walls that can't be policed?
If someone posts an Elton John question in your new 'Rock Only' section...does he or she deserve to receive a violation notice or have his post removed? Elton is both pop, and rock, along with thousands of other artists. There are so many factors and complications to be considered with this idea...far more than what we currently have to deal with. So the sensible thing to do would be leave things the way they are.
If I see a question that doesn't interest me...then I move on. What's the big deal?

Edit -
Bryan Rock...I have answered your question...please read my last edit about cross over country bands, jazz, blues etc.
Also, the majority of those bands that were lumped into ROCK/POP record bins in the 60's thru the 80's are still considered cross over ROCK and POP today. Those bands/artists are still discussed on a very regular basis within this forum...hence the title "Y!A Rock & Pop Section". If anything, the only point proven here at all is mine.
So far, your question has jumped from "Can Anyone at Yahoo Answers PLEASE consider separating the Rock & Pop categories; each with a unique place?" To something entirely different. I've explained to you very clearly as to why this wont work. I've also given explanations regarding the other things you've asked.
The last time this question was asked several months ago, I gave the same arguement...and the asker came to his senses and eventually agreed that separating the two would be futile. He then and wound up deleting his question.

Oh, and by the knowledge does extend much further than Elton John...just in case I confused or mislead you somewhere. LOL

I see dozens of questions here daily that are of little or no interest to me whatsoever. When I encounter this...I do the most logical thing...ignore it...skip it and move onto the next.
What's so hard about that? Am I missing something here?

Edit -
Bryan Rock...again, I have answered your 2nd or was it 3rd question (quite honestly I've lost track), which was: "I'm just wondering how Rock got lumped in with the Pop category to begin with?"
Well Bryan, since the 1950's, there have been thousands of cross over artists who encompass both rock, and pop. Since the majority of those artists are still labeled as that today... this is quite possibly the best explanation as to why the two have been lumped together in Y!A.
It seems that many people don't realize the extensive history of rock music/pop music, and how the two have evolved together. It's not only about 'Nine Inch Nails' and 'NSYNC'...there really is much more to it than that.
Perhaps a persons age/musical knowledge/tatses may play a determining factor in the way one feels regarding this me it's quite apparent that the broad demographic here is partially responsible for the variance in answers to your question.


I agree with Enema Bandit 100 %.

I think it just won't happen. Yahoo won't ever separate Rock from Pop. You can bet on it.
Both lines are blurred by now... and there is as much Rock/Pop and Pop/ Rock, besides the other subgenres.
Country is a separate class.. and culture really, not only for the music but life style as well. There are bars for country lovers and you will not hear them play Pop or Rock.
Pop and Rock lovers can have many things in common really, and there are so many radio stations that combine the lists with Pop and Rock, where you can hear The Rasmus after Madonna and some Duran Duran will follow Smoke on the Water.
I don't mind at all to see Pop questions together with Rock question. The ones that don't interest me... I just skip them, just the same way as I would never answer a question about Death Metal, even though you might say it is Rock... or a question about Punk.... because I don't like that particular genre and don't know anything about it.
Rock and Pop will stay together. Period.


There are a lot of problems with this though. Many people think their bands are rock when in actual reality they are pop. Separating the sections won't get rid of those people, besides if they got rid of R&P, then we would just be the R section... and that just doesn't sound right.

EDIT: I realize that you just want things to be easier, however, the kids think MCR, FOB and Avril Lavigne are Rock... I think that would cause a lot of irritation on a rock board.

EDIT 2: Bryan Rock, the inner workings of Y!A are always a mystery. I have no answer as to why it was originally done that way as I wasn't there. I can name 2 or 3 artists that could be cross over country (I don't listen to a lot of it), but I can think of 100's that I've seen here that people think are rock music (Jonas Brothers included). I don't think Y!A will ever listen to a possible change... heck we can't even negotiate on violations! I can only imagine how hard it would be to get Y!A to listen. I think we are stuck, regardless of what the best way to differentiate is.

EDIT 3: I feel you, I would like it change too, I just don't think it would be a very effective change. 8-tracks rocked... what are you talking about!! LOL =)


i don't make friends on the internet. only in real life. as for what I read, some of the people in the religion section are real scum or ignorant. this section has yet to be really plagued by the scoundrels and trolls. But I do read some very interesting comments and insights here from which I gain some knowledge or perspective. Just last week I emailed somebody for a list a great books and another for some insight on their opinion on the Vietnam war as that person was also well read on the war.

HoldenĀ® [ThumbZUP] tRoLL PaTrOL2008-02-27T22:47:30Z

Wow! The discussion is quite interesting this time. Well doing changes here will require much effort. A better option for this is make a kiddie section for Y!A:;_ylt=An_QTfbUMm_liMsL0ICt04Pty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080227154617AAJCsZP&show=7#profile-info-ZlE9afBIaa

well all of you deserve a Thumbs-Up!

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