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Star if you believe that rock music isn't dead?

As you can see, I am sick and tired of people saying that rock music today cannot even compare to the 70's, 80's, and 90's. Yes, there are some really crappy mainstream and emo bands that influence society today. However, each time that I hear someone say that rock music is dead, it always annoys me. If you people would open your eyes and look around, you might be surprised with some of the good music that is undiscovered and unidentified by the radio.

So here my question to you people who think that rock music today is dead. Why won't you try to look around and become open minded to some of the good music today? Give me good reasons if you want the best answer.


beautifulirishgirl, maybe this question will help explain what bands that I truly believe are they best bands to originate from this decade.;_ylt=Aje95...

39 Answers

  • VN-Cop
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's loads of great bands around, you just have to search outside mainstream media.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People are naive to think that after the 90's (or 80's, or 70's or 60's), good musicians suddenly became non existent. True, a vast majority of popular rock music isn't all that great, it's boring, unoriginal and annoying, if you look around a bit and don't rely on MTV to tell you what to listen to, you will discover some amazing talent.

  • 1 decade ago

    omg i had a question sort of like this.i feel you,look,this is the problem,most posers these days think the new rock bands are like the sh*t,but they dont even know the history of metal or rock.if you ask me,the rock bands from the 70-90's are way better than the ones we have today.rock is not dead,and it will never be dead.for those who agree with me know this is true,rock is NOT DEAD!it's just being hidden with all this new gay sh*t people call rock,but dont worry guys,it will always adn forever find it's's the posers that are making rock dry out,but only problem is,ROCK RIGHT NOW IS NOT DEAD!we just have to be paitent and wait till the day when someone says "you know what?i am getting so sick and tired of all these poeseres"watch just watch that;s when they will leave us all alone


  • 1 decade ago

    sorry I can't star, because rock IS dead. It's dead for now anyway... Hopefully it will be ressucitated.

    I listen to Dark Tranquillity, Maiden, Death, Alice In Chains, Zeppelin, Mozzart, Megadeth, Sabbath, Amon Amarth, Down, Kalmah, Ensiferum, Naglfar, Immortal, Pink Floyd, The Cult (lol), Nirvana, Mudhoney, Deep Purple and Opeth just to name a few of my favorites...

    But by Rock and Roll being dead, I mean that most artist now-a-days are not producing the same quality of rock music. Music has become a greedy money making biiitch, and a lot of artists are not in it for the art anymore!

    If you look at ten, twenty years ago even, the generality of bands were making tastefull rock music. For example... Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Iron Maiden.. they were all super publicised and were in the mainstream, but they still made amazing music. Now-a-days all the mainstream bands make mediocre music for advertisement and tastless teens that don't know what good rock is because they havent heard it yet (lack of exposure).

    There is a shortage or good rock bands today. Even you look at bands like Metallica and arguably In Flames who made kick *** metal!!! what are they doing know... changing their sound to siute the masses and to make more $$$.

    Rock Music is dead because rock music of today (in general) = $$$

    Just to remind you, I'm talking about rock music that the masses are hearing. Because remember rock artists need to make a living and if the record companies, the big businesses are looking for shitty rock... what we will keep getting is shitty rock. The music industry decides to certain point what we listen to. Tons of great rock artists can't get there music heard, can't get it recorded because they can't get the suport from labels and can't afford to release their music.

    EDIT: Well, what do you mean by rock music beind dead?

    And Instead of all these thumbs down, I'dd like someone to prove that rock music is still alive... Well, actually Sara makes a really good point and I agree with her.

    I'm not saying that there is NO good rock anymore. It's that there is a lack of new talent, and if it's not dead, it's on a pretty big decline. And yes I do have an open mind and I have discovered a bunch of obscure rock bands, but it shouldn't be so hard to find good bands.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Rock music will always live on. There may be more varieties of rock and different tastes in rock, but so what? You just need to open your eyes and recognize rock for the best kind of music there ever will be. Listen to what you like and keep on loving it!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think many people see rock as "dying" instead of "evolving". Bands can't always have the same sound, and music is a good representation of society and as society changes, out music adapts to it.

    And the more dominate sound now is the "alternative" sound, just as psychedelia was dominate in the 60's. Each era has different music, it's simply changing, that's all.

    Fine if your taste is for older rock, mine is too, but not everything today is garbage as the mainstream leads you to believe.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Rock isn't dead, but I agree with everyone about mainstream rock it's crap, its a good thing there are bands out there like The Mars Volta, The White Stripes, and Queens of the Stone Age that keep putting out good quality music.

  • I don't know what group exactly sang this, CCR?, "Rock and Roll will never Die." Don't care for best answer, but I do like some of the older groups that are classic, even country, a genre that is mostly junk to me. Sorry that Radio Stations tend to play crap and also they talk too much and no music, that's why I like CDs and Sat Radio.

    Source(s): My views at the time...
  • 1 decade ago

    i find from speaking with different people and from some of the answers i've read that there is a common misconception about rock music: that it is either dead or needs a kick in the butt. i disagree...the problem with music in general has been our rapidly changing environment. this is a blessing and a curse. the internet and other vehicles for music have given many bands the opportunity to post their music and get it out there to a wider audience. i think its pretty awesome that i could hear a local band from Ohio on the internet as opposed to waiting for some kind of record release. at the same time, many crappy bands can do the same thing. now, for the record companies and the youth of today: the record labels look to sign as many bands as they can that sound totally alike for the exploitation of the disenfranchised youth. one hit record can score them big bucks. sometimes i feel for the kids of today...i was one of them not too long ago. i didnt have parents to give me fantastic music from their era as they arent too into it in the first place. i listened to the radio or whatever was on mtv and such became the bands i listened to: korn, linkin park, limp bizkit, creed, etc. i guess you could say i got wrapped up in the nu-metal craze. it hit big when i hit high school. i was lonely and depressed, looking for cheesy lyrics to describe word for word what i had just been through that day. it did the trick for a long time. now, i dont want to create the idea that i was fully unaware of classic rock or many big name artists. i was, but like i said, i didnt know any better...i thought it was cool. no guidance, just crap music. as i got older, and more importantly, more mature i realized the crimes against music i had committed. i devoted my time to raiding my cousins' (10 yrs older) music collections, drilled my mom for artists of her generation, scoured the internet for bands, went to the library and checked out (over time, and yes they have cd's to rent) every cd i could find, made new friends, etc. i know rock isnt dead, its a silly question and Roxel i appreciate you bringing it up because we need to remember that not everyone is lucky enough to be shown what good music is...they have to do the leg work (like me) and am i glad i did. yes, the kids are annoying, but i try to have patience because they dont know any better. all we can do is hope the fad passes (and it will, just like nu-metal did) and spread what knowledge we already have. because of you, i heard my first Nevermore song, "The Sanity Assassin". this is all we can do and anyone that thinks that rock is dead just needs to contact someone who has starred this question...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't believe Rock is dead I just think it's harder to find a good band these days.

    People just have to realize that they if they actually look they will find a really good bands and just ignore the crappy mainstream bands.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry Roxel but it's not a hair off the butt of the 70's and 80's, however Rock will never completely die.

    There are quite a few good bands out today but, there were literally thousands in the 70's and 80's.

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