Well doesn't this figure...our inept government wasting our money again? When will we learn?

The Bush administration has scaled back plans to quickly build a "virtual fence" along the U.S.-Mexico border, delaying completion of the first phase of the project by at least three years and shifting away from a network of tower-mounted sensors and surveillance gear, federal officials said yesterday.

Technical problems discovered in a 28-mile pilot project south of Tucson prompted the change in plans, Department of Homeland Security officials and congressional auditors told a House subcommittee.

Though the department took over that initial stretch Friday from Boeing, authorities confirmed that Project 28, the initial deployment of the Secure Border Initiative network, did not work as planned or meet the needs of the U.S. Border Patrol.


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I detest the waivering stance our government has on providing security. However, we want it done right, don't we?


History seems to repeat itself -- remember the Star Wars program under Reagan?

Lets not waste too much money on fences to prevent illegal border crossers but crack down on employers who hire them when they get here. If we remove the reason for them to cross, they will stop trying to cross

Yes, build the the fence to prevent other crimes like drug trafficking, but make a change that actually works.


Its a giant geopolitical conspiracy conspired by the Conservatives and run by the Illuminati, You have to see the bigger picture!!!!!!!

Wake Up People Its happening the killings the NAFTA highway, the end times, the stuff they put in our food!!!!

Pretty soon its all going to be one big giant gang bang of people that can do whatever they want!!!!

Molly Pitcher2008-02-28T08:06:56Z

I'd rather they take the time to work out the glitches and build it right, than to slap up something that will be ineffective. In the long run, careful planning will save money.


maybe there were a couple of illegals with fake identification working on it and screwing it up.... I would rather they build it right than some piece of crap that continually fails.

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