Is Obama Electable Anywhere Besides in Red States?

Seems Obama carried Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Kansas ... etc.

But lets get real .... these are RED states that are going to vote McCain in the fall, regardless of which Democrat is on the ticket.

Hillary Clinton, on other hand, managed to carry the big blue states such as New York, and California..... she wins where it counts.

Is Obama really electable if he only can win primaries in mostly RED STATES?


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Red States put Bush in the White House.


Republicans are praying Obama will win. I wouldn't be surprised if they are voting for Obama NOW, to keep Clinton from getting nominated, then in the General Election the Republicans vote McCain. The Republicans themselves have said 'Hillary will be a formidable opponent'. They want her to lose, which is why Obama is taking the Red States.

One note on Idaho: Having lived their for almost 13 years I noted a change from Red to Blue over 4 years ago... its voting out Republicans---in with Dems. So, Obama's win there is not surprising. Hillary wouldn't win there because its sooo conservative.


Right now Hillary carried some large states but by a small margin, her supporters will line up behind Barack for the most parts when he wins the nomination and he will carry those states. He is also carrying Red States which is an advantage to the Democratic party in the general election, Hillary will never carry those states and you need more than big states to win the general



The democratic nominee will probably win Cali and NY regardless. However, key states like Ohio and Florida are always where democrats need to do well, and Hillary seems to be doing better in those states and other swing states.
P.S. Obama had the support of Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, both are Massachusetts senators and perhaps the party's most respectable people... and Hillary won Mass. Losing Massachusetts would not look good for the democratic nominee.
On the other hand, Obama won in Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Colorado, all of which would benefit democrats


A good argument. I would have agreed, but I notice that in some recent polls of states that Hillary won, she is now behind, including my home state of California. Does that mean people have given up on her and moved to Obama? Or have they moved to Obama for other reasons? Or maybe the sample size of these polls are too small to mean anything...Nevertheless, an interesting question. my question would be if there is a trend towards Obama, what is causing the switch?

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