Could those of you opposed to gay marriage answer the following question?
OK, if you're basing governmental law upon the Constitution (which you are, you righteous patriot) and there is nothing in the Constitution stating only a man and a woman can marry, how can you possibly, as an American, keep gay marriage illegal? Let me respond to the most common arguments so that I may receive fair, unbiased answers based in reality.
1. Polygamy cannot be a legally binding contract because such an institution constitutes civil inequality; the individual losing out to the corporation (hey, wait, that sounds familiah...)
2. If any one of you wants to marry his sister 'because' any two individual humans can be married, more power to ya. The government has no right to control who you marry beyond a certain age. (Yes, of course I believe there should be a fair age minimum on marriage licenses). I doubt there will be enough people marrying their fathers to alter the human genome in a way that could cause mass extinction.
3. Since a marriage (civil union, what have you )is a legally binding contract between two individuals that can be annulled if it is made under duress or force and a sheep cannot speak for itself or sign a contract the "bestiality" argument is moot.
4. A marriage and a civil union are the same thing. Call it what you want - no one really knows where the ritual of marriage originated and therefore no religion can 'own' the right to it.
5. If the church, mosque, etc. isn't in favor of homosexual marriage then they have the right to stay out of it. Since there is a supposed separation between church and state no religious ceremony can legally define an institution. It's like naming a godfather or godmother at a baptism - a sweet little idea but not one, again, that is legally binding..
IF you don't want to "take the time to read this question", don't answer. Remember that such a response would violate the Yahoo Answers community guidelines
Again how can you argue the Constitutional and legal rights of gay marriage if you are an American governed by the Constitution?
Yes, I asked this question twice because there were two categories (3 actually) it which it snugly fit. And I changed it slightly to avoid being reported for asking it twice. Doing it thricely would probably be a violation so I avoided that as well.
Thank you, moo. Let me rephrase that. Since the state constitution must be based on some form of common law and the supreme common law of this nation is the federal Constitution, how can you, as an American, keep gay marriage illegal?
Aw, Icy, "work, work... with just a little bit 'a soul now- WORK!"
*Does the mashed potato with you*
*Marries Tigger* I hope you don't mind a polygamous relationship with Zero Cool, Red Queen, Lizard of Ahaz, and Sips With A Fist!