I'm 26 weeks pregnant, have been having lower LEFT side pain for a Week+. It hurts when I walk, is it Normal?

It mostly happens when I walk, cough, or stretch. Also it hurts to add slight pressure on the area. I don't go back to my OB until the 21st, should I try to get in sooner or is this normal in pregancy? ((This is my first))

Nathan arrived 8/4 :)2008-03-08T12:42:35Z

Favorite Answer

If this is in the hip area the relaxin hormone that makes your hip joints loosen up can cause pains like that. Also the baby could be on your sciatic nerve which can cause pain low and when you walk etc. If its in the front, likely it's round ligament pain. Very common to have lots of hurts and aches during pregnancy. Anything that becomes severe you should call your doctor for, but otherwise it's like to have a pretty simple explanation.

Jimmy G2008-03-08T12:46:28Z

With my second baby I had "round ligament pain" in the 2nd trimester. It was horrible pains in my sides and I was told to lay on the side that hurts the most, and not to worry because it cant cause any permanent damage to you or the baby. It should go away before the 3rd trimester. I know it can be painful, but good luck.


most likely its ligament pain your uterus is getting bigger and stretching and the baby is getting bigger yah!!! but if it was me i would call my ob and ask them if they want to see you sooner. Problems can occur and you may not even know, especially if you haven't felt this before, i know from hard experience that when in doubt to call. don't worry if its the weekend or at night ob docs are always on call thats there job to support and care for you during your preg. I would call. let me know what they say.
good luck

Invisible Pink RN2008-03-08T12:45:16Z

Hip pain is normal during this stage of pregnancy, the hormones tend to loosen up the tissues and the joints between your bones of your pelvis become more relaxed, usually this only happens on one side or the other.


i think that it could be the baby getting confy. if this is a major concer to you call your doctor they all have answering services and ask him but i had that with my 2nd and 4th child
and i think that it is normal but with you being a first time mom i think that it is o.k. for you to ask your doctor. no body knows your body and the things that you feel better then you do. good luck with your new addition.!!!!

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