army soldiers died in Iraq by branch?

where can i find a lis with soldiers who died in iraq by military branch . For example army, navy , air foce , marines .
I want to know which branch is better to join . I mean wich one is less dengerous.


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Mall Security guard sounds right up your ally stud.

Below is a link that is current and you can look up by Services, MOS, Gender or whateve else you wish.


There are greater military very own in Iraq, than there are Marines. And in basic terms to your info, the Marines do no longer do each and all the heavy combating, seem at WWII. The Marines did lots of the combating interior the Pacific, and the army did lots of the combating in Europe. The Marines don't have the sheer numbers because of the fact the army, to that end the word " The Few, The Proud, The Marines"


Soldier are in the Army, Marines are in the Marine Corps, Sailors are in the Navy, and Airmen are in the Air Force


Navy, Airforce, Marines Army.
Is the order of safety in The middle east.

The list posted above is very incomplete... there have been over 3000 casualties... that list has less than 1000


You want safety, join the girl scouts. If you are in the military, there is a chance someone will shoot at you. Last thing someone wants is to have a fairweather soldier such as yourself covering their six when the smidt hits the fan.

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