And now a question for those who don't believe that astrology works...?
but still *love* coming to the astrology section. I'm just wondering what it is exactly that you're basing your opinions regarding astrology on. Have any of you ever had your birth chart calculated by a professional astrologer? Or even done the computer generated printout thing? Or are you basing your opinions strictly on sun sign astrology?
Just wondering:)
Is this your own personal experience with astrologers, Lionheadz?
(and there is such a thing as astrology for pets, you know:))
I don't have a problem with your opinion, originalkippyj. I was directing the Q at people who just don't think that astrology is valid at all...which I don't think you are. Correct me if I'm wrong, there. You're entitled to your opinion regarding whether or not money should change hands, though. I don't really see charging for an interpretation of the astrological birthchart (or any other kind of astrological chart) as being any different than a counsellor or psychiatrist charging for their services, though. I will agree that some people take advantage of it and abuse it, and are frauds who prey on the weaknesses and vulnerabilites and fears of people, but that happens in ALL KINDS of professions, not just astrology. Heck, telemarketers pull that crap these days. Have you tried to get one off of the phone lately? Goes something like this:
"Hello, I'm selling insurance"
"No thank you, I'm not interested"
"But what if something happens..."
"No thanks"
"but this is a great deal!"
"I said I'm not interested"
"But you'll be unprotected..."
"I already have insurance for that"
"but are you sure you're covered for this..."
"I AM NOT INTERESTED!!!" (hangs up phone before they get a chance to say anything else)
I swear they're trained to NOT take no for an answer, and to try to manipulate people as much as they can in order to make the sale.
I'm in Canada, but maybe we have something similar here. Will check it out, and thanks for the tip:)
Something that I've observed though, is that as someone who is interested in astrology, the type of astrologer you find frequently reflects the attitude that you go into things with...
If you go in search of an astrologer because you want to hear that you're going to win lots of money, and find the love of your life, and be famous, and have more blessings than you can ever imagine in your wildest dreams, you're going to find the type of astrologer who's going to tell you all of that. And then they're going to charge you a whole lot of money and try to sell you lucky charms and "mystical" trinkets to help you "realize your full potential" (which you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of doing without those trinkets, of course). If you go in search of an astrologer to help you better understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and the dynamics of your relationships...
and just in general out of an interest in leading a more spiritual life, you're going to have a very different type of experience with the astrologer that you find.
It's a shame sometimes that what we send out there is what we attract. Especially in these circumstances, because those that end up being duped by these astrologers could probably really use the services of a really good one. But ultimately, we get what we're looking for, no more and no less.
Thanks, Johnnyboy:)
Yep, it pisses me off too sometimes, Medius. That was the purpose in posting this question. Seeking to understand where it comes from.
Jamie and Giselle, yes we need to get rid of the spammers. The worst ones are the ones who come on here doing nothing but posting links to some website or another which may or may not bear relevance to the question asked. There was this one person (or a couple of them...kept coming back with different names) when I first started posting here a while back and it'd be exactly the same answer every time...some link to some vedic astrology site...I think, anyhow...never clicked on the link. Anyhow, that kind of thing is useless IMO.
Hi Janet! How's it going?
Very strongly put Neptunerising. I think that you've pretty much summed up the frustrations of most of the people who are interested in astrology on this forum...but do we have to start a cusp war right now, too, haha??? (I'm with you, though on that point)
Oh, and great link, BTW:)
Chainlightning: For you to walk in to the den of lions like this says something about your character. And I think that should be acknowledged.
In response to your answer, though: You claim that our evidence is nothing but anecdotal, but isn't yours nothing but hearsay? If you've never had your birth chart drawn, then you really do not know from first hand experience whether or not astrology works, correct? You're basing your opinion of the topic on someone else's opinion of it, because you do not have a frame of reference of your own in this circumstance, isn't this true?
If it were me in your position, the point behind having my birthchart done would be to prove from my OWN experience whether or not astrology works, because I'm *not* the type of person who blindly accepts everything people tell me. I try things out for myself, and base my opinions of what is true and what is not on my own experiences, not anyone else's. Because really, truth is relative to the individual.
What one person accepts as fact may not be so for another, therefore the only way to really find your truth is to experience things for yourself.
I'm skeptical, too. Just of different things than you are.
And science isn't *always* accurate either, BTW. If it were, we'd still be using leeches to cure our head colds, and the female sex drive would still be considered unhealthy and a mental disorder, and labelled as "hysteria" or "nymphomania".
LOL, Janet, you trouble-maker!!!