What gives?

I was just alerted that I lost 12 points. What happened to them?


Favorite Answer

Sounds like a violation and a deleted answer, 10 for the violation and 2 for the answer, have a look at the 'activity details on you're profile page, also look out for a e-mail in you're inbox.


Sounds like a violation and a deleted answer, 10 for the violation and 2 for the answer


You got reported and your answer got deleted.
Minus 2 points for the answer being deleted
and minus 10 points as punishment.

Sorry :( you probably didnt deserve it


They were taken to Alpha Centauri by aliens posing as Yahoo employees.

Experto Credo2008-03-12T06:38:22Z

Your answer was in violation and you received "punishment" for the answer ( a kind of Worst Answer)