Playsguitars.. Why the hate mail?

I didn't say anything or answer any questions about CEA compliance.
I have never sent you an email
And subwoofers can be CEA compliant. so who's the dick now?

From: playsguitars

Subject: cea compliance.

Message: cea compliance has nothing to do with subwoofers and their respected terminals. let me ask you this: if you're a TEACHER of audio, you
shouldn't be a dick about it. you should be
informative, nice and helpful at every turn. as stated
in a previous email, i don't care about your
credentials or what piece of paper makes you the
master of all time in a particular field. i voiced my
opinion, something that is valid on yahoo answers,
(maybe not so much in the real world). so maybe you
should re-think your wise remarks in the form of
personal email's, and take your aggressive stance
toward self-righteousness elswhere before you teach
another "class."

Rick G2008-03-13T05:19:21Z

Favorite Answer

well, the guy is not only a ***, but not the brightest bulb in the chandelier as well.. first i am certain you did not provoke this, you've always answers informatively and honestly and always with courtesy, yet he is somehow confused and think you did, then he proceeds to correct you, in the process looking like a idiot because as sparky has pointed out there is a cea compliance spec for loudspeakers.

so to playsguitars, i simply say this. the only thing worst than a complete ***, is a complete dumb ***... congrats your a complete dumb ***..

and to cplkittle, kudos for outin this guy, maybe a little embaresment will get him to put his unjustified ego on a shelf for a bit.


Hey playsguitars, I hope you can REALLY learn something from this -


why make this a public issue....I'm not defending no one but I think that everyone should deal with their own issues...not try to get some one else involved...I hope you get my point...

Larry B2008-03-12T20:22:09Z

What is his problem? And you didn't say anything to him or e-mail him?

RAY JAY2008-03-12T19:37:45Z

hey i dont know whats goin on,,, but i can dig it,,,AND that was a cool response '''''KUDOS'''''