What EVENT, SUBJECT or OBJECT INSPIRED your Yahoo!Answers PROFILE NAME, AND have people ever taken offense or?

...questioned your motives for using it? Also, what is the reason for the avatar/pic you created?? Inquiring Minds... Want to know! Please be truthfull and give details...=o)


Favorite Answer

There was a joke about adult diapers in a movie I saw and I laughed until I almost peed. Just the image that adult diapers conjures in my mind never fails to amuse me. My sense of humor never graduated third grade, I know. And yes, people always take offense, especially in avatar games. Nobody picks the diaper guy. I picked my avatar because it's snickering at my humorous answers.

Tut Uncommon 2:Electric Boogaloo2008-03-14T00:59:00Z

It came from the nursery rhyme line "Four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie." A friend of mine, who's been known to occasionally indulge in herbal self-medication, suggested the name change to 4-20 Blackbird, as a reference to his favorite holiday. I had to admit it sounded cool, so I went with it. As far as I know, no one has taken offense to it. The pic is just a photo of a blackbird I pulled off Yahoo search.


Well, I was in the Marine Corps from 1990-1994 and the Marines are often called "Leathernecks" among other things such as Jarhead, Devil Dog, etc. The other part is pretty self explanatory but if anyone needs further clarification feel free to email me. Thank you! No one has ever really questioned me or given me grief on my name so I cant really contribute to that portion of the answer.


It's a name from the Arthurian Legends. I chose it because I wanted a nickname that had to do with mythology and I liked its sound.

My avatar kinda looks like me. Hair and eye colour, haircut, skin tone... It's the closest I could create!


My picture as my avatar....My Michelle-My name and Guns n' Roses...er goes the rose in pic...thought it was cool...I've been told it looks like I am eating the rose...LOL!!
There are truly some haters out there....how are you going to give thumbs down on something that is neither an opinion or an option....the question is about your own personal avatar and Yahoo name. Not that I care about thumbs down.......just wondering what the f***!!
Love the name below me...I think we all feel like Sisyphus at times......kinds fits life!! Good one!!

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