whick laptop is best for personal use?

dell, hp or toshiba...of these three which one should i buy.that will last with me for at least 3-4 years


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I own 3 Dell Notebook PCs and 1 Dell Desktop. All run the Windows XP Professional OS though I did buy the Dell Vista upgrade CDs at the time but have yet to install them. FYI my first Notebook PC was a Gateway Pentium IV which I don't recommend bec the biggest advantage in my opinion that DELL and HP have that the others are missing is the wide availability of replacement parts when time comes to upgrading memory, hard drive or replacing the battery which lowers your overall costs. Also the Dell website is good for obtaining drivers, manuals, etc.

Regarding the BEST DEAL for a DELL Notebook PC, truly you should consider or at least compare the prices at DELL OUTLET bec these are systems ordered brand new and returned that Dell certifies and also provides warranty...
FYI besides WalMart, Staples and Best Buy also sell DELL and yes, I truly recommend DELL and next choice would be HP

Other Lessons Learned: (1) in view of lecture halls and carrying a Notebook PC around all-day, 14" or 15" size works best; (2) MEMORY at a minimum you want is 512MB and 1GB is better and 2GB even nicer. I paid over $1000 for my 1st Gateway Pentium IV Notebook and for the longest tiime was unhappy bec I never realized 256MB was reason why so slow on internet. Luckily I found the compatible 256MB to upgrade. (3) Size of BATTERY can be key esp when taking to lecture classes etc or in bookstore/library. (4) Wireless WiFi Internal Card is absolute must (5) Get the biggest Hard Disk you can afford and don't settle for anything smaller than 60GB. (6) CPU if buying new Intel Duo Core should be fast enough but if buying used, then I would recommend Penitum M Centrino as your minimum and never waste your money on Pentium III no matter how cheap bec you will be disappointed buying something worthless that might give you trouble trying to unload.

Finally if buying local, always test your Notebook PC and give it a good test drive before handing over the money. You might want to open the CONTROL PANEL and check the hardware devices to see whether there are Yellow Exclamation Marks or even pay extra or select different Seller strictly bec they offer 30 to 90 day warranty repair

Hope the Above Info Helps and Best of Luck!


It there was any brand notorious for making disposable laptops that dont last what they should, that'd be the first criticism fanboys of other brands would make and not even Toshiba laptops (which arent well liked) have ppl saying that, so any brand laptop can last a few years if you treat it well, but the popular choice is between Dell and HP.


I'd go for toshiba I have 2 toshiba laptops I got 1 acouple of weeks ago and ive had the other one for a year there great to be exsact I'd go for the toshiba satellite it has a finger print scanner so no 1 can go on it unless they cut off your finger LOL goodluck I'd give seconds to dell dell inspirion are great laptops HPs are to big. Good luck


.Toshiba is a reliable one.i've got 2of them.both satellite
i have a Sony Vaio and i like just the size of it .it's 11''..that's all about Sony.
hp is getting very hot while in use.about dell,i remember how many accidents happend with their batteries.never heard of Toshiba not behaving.that is all


I would say dell. If you get it straight from the company they will customize it for you. And if you dont, they are still good, long lasting computers. and offer great online help at dell.com

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