Whenever you wake up at 4 in morning to use the bathroom...?

and you find yourself practically off the bed, smooshed between the wall and two massive dogs, do you wonder why you paid $45.99 for that massive pet bed that gets no use?


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No, the best pet I have is a Hairless Fuzzy rat. If she was in bed with me she would end up a flat rat. But I do let her scurry under the covers during the day, on occasion. Yes. I am a weirdo, I realize this. Can she visit your Lego domain?

peace ♥ music2008-03-19T02:37:25Z

Small dog, sorry.

Lol, thats funny though. Maybe you could sleep in the massive pet bed?

Angel Girl2008-03-19T02:30:23Z

yes I do
add another $40'00 for the cat house

the dog & the cat are in my bed


I hate to suggest this but have you considered medicating him? If all else fails please talk to your pediatritian. Everything that you just described sounded like my son. He would get up between 2-5. He would do all kinds of things while nobody was watching him. Some of the things he did when he was 4 are, finger paining with frosting, Maple syrup all over the carpet, shorted out the TV by pouring wate rover it, breaking a mirror, leaving the house to play in a sprinkler the neighbor left on. The one that his pediatritian couldn't help laughing about was he flooded the kitchen and stripped off all of his clothes so that he could slide around naked on the wet floor. More than once he got up for a late night snack and forgot to close the fridge door. By the time I would get up in the morning all the food would be spoiled. Putting a baby gate on his door was useless because he could just climb over it. We didn't even bother with the "clildproof" door knob covers because he figured those out before he turned 2. His pediatritian said that he was a danger to himself and put him on a medication that would help him stay asleep. I know how tough it is to have a child who doesn't sleep! I really wish you luck!


I have a really small dog so I do not know.

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