Does Obama Belonging To A Militant Black Church Change Your Views?

I had heard before that Obama belonged to a militant black church, but I had thought they were just rumors.

After this Wright thing broke open (and Wright preaching "God Damn America"), it would seem those rumors are quite true.

This really changed my view of Obama to the negative.

How about you?


Favorite Answer

I hated him before, but I hate him even more now!


White people just don't want a black president anyways. If does win the election, the whites will try to assasinate him. People are trying to come up with so much dirt on him as they possibly can so people won't vote for him in the election.

James M2008-03-19T19:14:26Z

Howard Dean does not run the Democratic Party the Clinton machine does. Politics is a game and every game needs a token and all Barack was is a token for Fox, Cnn and the USA.


it is not a militant church. the church doesnt call people to physically hurt white people or form an army against the government.
did you know white people attend that church?


Do you know the definition of militant? If you did you wouldn't be calling that church that. That church is not engaged in any kind of violent warfare or combat.

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