Is tieing the Iraq War to the Economy a good tactic, or did Obama just shoot himself in the foot?

Obama ties economic woes to Iraq war


sorry I meant to post the link and forgot but here it is

Kenneth J2008-03-20T12:23:43Z

Favorite Answer

It's kinda a 2 way street
On 1 side it's good because it's half true
The war is costing us a lot of money

But on the other side it's not the war that's causing the dollar to be worth less on the open market
The price of food and stuff are up because of what it cost to ship it by truck which is mostly diesel fuel.

The cost of gas is tied to the cost per barrel of oil which is at $112 per barrel now

Opec is not producing as much oil now in order to keep the supply low and the demand high which results in higher gas prices.

So as you can see the war does affect us but not to that degree of total over all cost .

Obama is just trying any tactic to try and get voters to vote for him against Clinton.

He has been caught lying to much in the last 3 days for me to believe anything he says.

Him and his Pastor Wright are extremely Racis**

Against white America and have let it be know thought the news media.

All so on youtube on the net.

I personally think he shoot himself in the foot on this one.

Clinton 08


The war certainly creates economic issue at home we are spending 12 billion month over there and some analysts predict the overall cost of the war to end up in excess of 2 trillion. Don't you think that money would have been better spent inside our borders


Yes because its a good tactic because its true. The Iraq war along with tax cuts for the rich has tanked the economy.


I always thought war was good for our economy. At least that's how it was when WW2 brought us out of the Depression.

Holy Cow!2008-03-20T19:05:43Z

It's more complex than that but it has played a role. It has certainly put supply pressures on the oil market.

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