Would you rather:...live LONGER..but SAD..(OR) live short...but GLORIOUS?

just curious....

a short happiness-filled life...
or a
Long life ...with small scapes of Happiness in its whole?..

thanks for answering..(and have a nice night..)..
i wish you all the best.....


Favorite Answer

I don't really have to have either one. Here's my solution: Live a long life....then, in my enormously financial, last will and testament, make it an absolute hell for the ones who done me wrong when I was able to enjoy my good years!
Ain't I the ultimate *itch!



robert k2008-03-20T20:34:15Z

A short and glorious life would out weigh a lifetime of misery.

♥Everything's Magic♥2008-03-20T21:48:04Z

Short and glorious


I would rather live a short life being happy, and thank you and you have a great night as well.

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