Are you a "high tech" redneck????????
You might be a "high tech redneck" if....
- your email address ends in ""
- you connect to the WWW via "Down Home Page"
- your bumper sticker says "My other computer is a laptop"
- your laptop has a sticker that says "Protected by Smith & Wesson"
- you've ever doubled the value of your truck by installing a cell phone
- your baseball cap reads "DEC" instead of "CAT"
- your computer is worth more than all your cars combined
- your wife said "either I go or the computer goes"...and you still don't miss her
- you've ever used a CD-ROM as a coaster for your beer
- you refer to your computer as "that good ol' gal"
- your screen saver is an image of your favorite truck, tractor, or farm animal
- you start all your emails with "Howdy, y'all"
- your spell-checker knows words like "Reckon", "Yonder", and "Y'all"
- your cars sit in the yard because your garage is full of dead CPU's
- your belt buckle is made from a dead 3.5" hard drive
- your computer beep is (insert farm animal sound here)
- your active newsgroup list includes alt.animal.husbandry
- hay has been found inside your laptop carrying case
- you have caught yourself coaxing a slow speed machine with cluck sounds, kiss sounds or giddyup
- your netscape bookmark list includes EquiVet, net-vet or the OSU agriculture page