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Thomas Jefferson was a deist, which means he believed in a higher power , but it means that he also thought that the higher power didn't necessarily interfere with human affairs, and that is against Christianity..
All Presidents were Christian. They wouldn't be elected if they weren't; just like today. Don't listen to the liberal who wants to twist history to match their own mind, and make everyone important in history into some kind of a Deist, Atheist, or Pagan. Some 18th century people (like Thomas Paine) were very outspoken in their anti-Christianity. Paine is not considered a Founding Father, though nor was he President. No President has been a non-Christian. Even now this still stands as the standard. Just try it, that's all I can say. For all of their talk, when liberals run for President, they put on the cloak of Christianity; just like Obama; just like Clinton. Liberals try to say this isn't a Christian country. I think they are wrong. Atheism and liberalism go hand in hand. Why is that? It's because the despotic dictators who founded modern liberalism all found Atheism to be a useful tool. You see, when the people are stripped of their religion, they are often stripped of their spirit. Those that don't believe in anything and are without spirirt are much easier to control. Control is the name of the game for despotic dictators. Control is the name of the game for liberals.
Yes. Madison, Jefferson, and Adams were Deists. They had Christian backgrounds, but they didn't believe in the divinity of Christ, they didn't subscribe to the creation myths in Genesis, etc. The core beliefs of most of the Founding Fathers were more akin to the modern Unitarian tenets than than anything else.
It would be a mistake to say they weren't religous, and it would be a bigger mistake to say their beliefs in any way mirrored anything even close to those of Creationists and Evangelicals who happen to be the people who most often invoke the mantra that "this has always been a Christian nation".
Do you know that prior to Ronald Reagan's presidency, nobody cared what religion the president practiced?
It was considered personal and private....between the man and his god......
It still is you know.......
Many of the first persons were not strict "christians" but deists like the above poster said
Kennedy was catholic, if that counts.