Have you ever seen a elderly person and wondered what kind of life they had when younger?

Maybe your Grandparents. It could be anyone elderly. What do you think they were like when they were younger?


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My grandmother told a lot about her life. She lived a hard one during the depression and everything. She was wild too. I think she was still having sex up until she died.


I know what kind of life my grandparents had when they were younger; they loved to tell us about their past.

However, when I'm on a bus or walking around town and see different elderly people from different classes, I can't help but wonder have they always been like this, what were they like when they were children, teenagers, young adults, parents - if ever they were parents - middle aged people just enjoying life, how society was in their day, what the taboos were compared to this day and age, what they believed, what was outrageous, ...

And then I usuallly come up with a new idea for a short story. [lol]


Most Elderly People Have Had Fascinating Lives...!
Their Experiences & Achievements Can Sometimes 'Remind' Us To Get on the Ball, and do more in our lives...!!

And They Lived Through "REAL Hard Times", The Great Depression (1930's) and World War 2....!!


My Nana was born in 1895. She lived to be 89. She's the one who taught me what it was like to really love someone.
Nana was born in Ontario, Canada. In those days, there were no cars or indoor toilets! She had a lovely life there, but her father died when Nana was only nine. Without TV, she learned to crochet, embroider, sew, cook, play the piano and organ. Her funniest story: During the winter it snowed tons up in Canada. During the blizzards you had to go to the bathroom in a chamber pot, then toss it out the window into the snow the next day. She opened the window, tossed the contents just as a huge blast of wind blew it all back onto her!
She said on Halloween, kids would move people's outhouses downtown... all lined up in rows! They had taffy pulls and sleigh rides... It was definitely a different time, rather sweet and proper! Nana always said never accept gifts from boys other than candy, books or flowers!


I loved to hear the stories the elderly borders in my mom's house used to tell. I would write it down in a book. They just seemed to have more fun than the children of today and of course more respect. It sounded like a beautiful time to be alive! Oh there was some hanky panky also. There would always be a twinkle in their eyes and a smile on their face when they spoke on that. But they never told you too much on that subject.lol

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