How do Italian women feel about Italian machismo?

Ok, so I've never really been to Italy so I don't really know what it's like, but I hear Italian men in general are very "macho"... Do Italian women in general like this attitude or do they also appreciate less "macho" men?


Huhson; I've never really been there either so I wouldn't know what they consider diversity there, but here on earth, sure, I know what diversity is... I did say "in general" but sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to do that... Actually, I noticed quite a few "kisses" from Italian ladies in another question and I do admit I was kinda fishing for some of those... Again, sorry... ;)


Thanks Italiana, now we're getting somewhere... :)

Uhm, but I'm not American... How do you feel about the Dutch stuff?


Lady Kimberly; Why do you think Italian men HAVE to be macho? Because it's expected of them?


Lady Kimberly; thanks for clarifying!

Bebe; Now you're making ME feel like a macho


Favorite Answer

Hi! I'mm italian! Generally only men of south italy are "macho" bau for the women of north italy it is very irritant..i prefer a sweet man, but the jealusy is also appreciated!!
NEVER marry a meridional italian..

BaCi!!! KiSsEs!!!


I lived in Italy most of my life (now in Australia) and I've met more normal guys than macho guys.
I kind of agree with Lubov here. It depends what you think a macho man is. There is lots of diversity in Italy and people cannot be stereotyped. If I have to compare Italian men with Australian men than I have to say the Italian like to take care of their appearance more than the Australian, for sure and they pursue women in a different way, which I personally prefer.


People are generally the same the world over, you cannot say you do not like a certain countrys people, there are good and bad in all. They are a bit arrogant though having said that (from ones I have met on holiday) Although I dread to think what people think of the english after holidaying near them!

Lady Kimberly2008-03-27T05:10:34Z

I'm Italian and i think that a man have to be a macho here in Italy.
for the girl that is living here: you are not Italian, so you can't understand this

because italian women like me want a strong man, not UN MOLLACCIONE

per lubov: si e tu non lo sei!

lubov: sfigata lo sei tu, io no di certo. comunque si da il caso che io abbia 25 anni e di esperienze con uomini italiani ne ho avute molte più di te! so che ti piacerebbe essere italiana, ma cara mia, solo i migliori possono permetterselo ed evidentemente tu non rientri in questo gruppo! e con questo ti saluto ignorantella!

andrea b2008-03-25T10:15:11Z

hi, Vincent, i'm italian, Macho mean beautiful Man

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