Does the judgment call of Obama also extend to his church's comparison of the Hamas Manifesto to...?

the US Declaration of Independence? How does the document calling for the distruction of Israel and the killing of Jews be seen as anything near our founding document? Is this another judement call for Obama or will the press bury it.


Go to Michael to view the article.


Favorite Answer

fdm: Hamas has a manifesto:

At least he IS doing research instead of mindlessly chanting whatever his political candidate wants him to.


I am not aware of his church pushing the Hamas manifesto and would like ot see some links to this


I didn't know Hamas had a Manifesto. You guys gotta stop getting your "research" from biased blogs.

Obama 2008

BRYAN H2008-03-25T16:44:48Z

i would like to hear some comments on this also.

Eddie Scalia2008-03-25T16:49:48Z

Yes, they are all commies and filth.