Usinng freinds Medical Insurance?

My wife is 4 month pregnant, but she is not having her medical insurance, My friend asked me to use his wife's name and claim the medical fee unitl she get her insurance card. is crime to use my friends name to meet the Dr. ?


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Yes, it's fraud.

Even if they offered, if his wife had a medical emergency, her records could have the wrong blood type, inappropriate medication information, etc. Would you be able to live with yourself if his wife died because they gave her the wrong blood type?

If you can't afford insurance, go get help from the state. If you don't qualify, then you make enough to pay out monthly until the baby is born. Be honest about it though.


Yes, it's called insurance fraud. If your wife has to wait to get insurance and she's pregnant, she can be immediately covered by medicaid until her insurance covers her OR her new insurance policy may post-date and cover the entire pregnancy once the policy is in order. Do not use someone else's insurance.


Yes! This is insurance fraud, part of the reason that everyone that abides by the rules has to pay such hefty premiums to get insurance.

N and A's Momma2008-03-26T15:53:54Z

Of course it's a crime! You and your wife should look into Medicaid if you do not have insurance.

Autumn & Jayden's Mommy2008-03-26T15:51:35Z


Insuurance Fraud.

Its a felony.

Its the same as lying to your home owerns insurance about being robbed to get the money.

or lying to your car insurance

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