Has Everyone Forgotten McCain and the Keating 5?

McCain went on the take for the S&L's in the early 90's.

What makes you think he won't sell out all of America for his own means?


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Yeah he was already exonerated of that. And because he is the only candidate that has actually drafted legislation to help people such as immigration and campaign finance refore. If their is anybody that would sell out America it is the democrats with Obama refusing to put his hand on his heart, his racist pastor and unpatriotic wife. And also the clintons who will LIE about anything to get elected. Those my friend are your sellouts.


The fact that he was tortured for over 5 1/2 years in Vietnam without giving up info, and refused to be let go because of who his father was unless all the men taken before him were released as well, make me think he probably wouldn't sell out America for his own means.


Yes, alot have moved on, but there is still the problem.
He's a carbon copy of Bush, so what would you think would take place. What do you think is taking place with Bush pushing money every where except where the people can earn money with savings and other means within the banking areas?. Bush along with McCain will support the people that support them with the big money.

Cuppa Jo2008-03-26T18:18:58Z

The democratic investigator told the democratically controlled ethics committee to let McCain and John Glenn (D) out of it. The democratically controlled ethics committee didn't want to b/c the others that really had their hands in the cookie jar were democrats.


Yes, we have. So don't be reminding us of old stuff like that.

If it's true that McCain just wants to be President, then once he is, he won't have to sell out America since all of his personal goals will have been met. He will be able to focus on doing good things for the U.S........maybe.

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