What was the funniest or weirdest picture you have or had taken of you.?
How did you feel?
How did you feel?
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During the summer for 3 years, my parents would send all of us (me, my 2 brothers & 2 sisters) to our aunt & uncles place in northern Calif. they lived out in the middle of nowhere with my uncle being a guide during the hunting season and working his own gold mine (no, he never got rich, but made enough to live on). They had an out house for a bathroom and for taking baths, he had run a garden house about 1/2 mile from a small waterfall, with the water going into a 50 gallon barrel. The only problem with this was you had to time your showers between 11am and no later than 2pm because if you tried earlier, the water was freezing and later, it was too hot. My 2 sisters & 2 female cousins were taking their shower and Aunt Lavon had a Poloroid camera. I kept telling the 4 girls that I was going to take a picture of them and they started squeeling/complaining to Auunt Lavon who told the girls that I didn't have the camera and I wouldn't be getting it. So now it was our turn for the shower and my brothers said look and pointed to behind me-----there was Aunt Lavon with the Poloroid, taking a photo of us! I was kind of close to the tree from where the garden hose hung from, but my butt was sticking out from behind the tree! (no puns intended with all those buts)
A friend of an ex-friend took a REALLY close-up picture of me, the after-flash was humongous, when they got it developed you couldn't see anything though...
i took a picture of my eyeball
the flash went off and i went blind for a few seconds