What are some signs of parvo in a puppy about 8 weeks old?

my kids and i got a dog about a week ago she is so sweet. I wormed her today because she wouldnt hardly eat anything and all she wanted to do is lay around. Now she wont even hold up her head. Please help what do i do?


her belly is starting bloated allso


Favorite Answer

I don't want to worry you unduly, but it sounds as though your puppy is not well at all. This kind of lethargy is a often a symptom of one of the contagious dog illnesses that puppies are susceptible to.

It's true that puppies are often a bit withdrawn for the first few days when they're first brought into their new home. They may not eat much, or be very playful, but they will generally respond to an invitation to play, a short walk, a treat and so on. A puppy that doesn't even want to lift it's head is more likely sick.

If she's suffering from recurrent diarrhea and/or vomiting in addition to the lethargy, you need to find her veterinary attention right away. Little puppies get sick very fast, and dehydration alone can cause serious problems.

To find out about the different illnesses puppies are prone to, check out http://www.the-puppy-dog-place.com/dog-illnesses.html

Parvo is one of the most serious, and most common of these diseases. For a more detailed overview of symptoms and treatment of Parvo, check out this article http://www.the-puppy-dog-place.com/canine-parvovirus.html

If you are at all worried that your puppy has Parvo, or any serious illness, please don't wait to get her help, every minute counts, literally. Best of luck with her.


Puppies are naturally very tired at that age and sleep alot (growing takes a lot out of them). Has she thrown up or had diarrhea??? That's classic parvo signs.

If you're worried about her, take her to a 24-hour vet. There's most likely one near you. Check the yellow pages!


You take her to the vet.

You should not have given her wormers (aka pesticides) unless you were 100% positive she had the type of worms the drug would treat.

Parvo signs include vomiting, diahrhea and lethargy. The puppy probably isn't feeling well because on top of whatever is ailing her, you gave her a bunch of poison. She needs to see the vet ASAP

If she will not even hold up her head, she will likely die without vet care.


Wait, you wormed her because she was laying around? That's what puppies do. If you have only had her a week she's probably still nervous about her surroundings which is why she hasn't been eating much.

Where did you get the wormer? Only a vet should prescribe a wormer(especially in such a young puppy). They will do a fecal test so they know exactly what type of worms they have and what wormer to give since there is different kinds. You may have gave her too much and now she's really sick. Never try to be a vet. If you have had her a week, you probably should have taken her to a vet by now anyways. Always recommend taking a new pup to a vet within 4 days of getting them.

Take her to an emergency vet right now!

Pom Lady2008-03-28T18:48:34Z

I would get her to the vet asap. Symptoms of parvo include fever, foul smelling diarrhea that turns bloody, lethargy, and no appetite. You are not suppose to worm a puppy with parvo, but make sure she gets plenty of liquid such as pedialyte down her to keep her from getting dehydrated.

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